This design is meant for the times 2309-2380 between 20 years after Star Trek Generations Enterprise-B was launch and one year after Star Trek . This could easily also be used in Next generation times as ships pulled from Mothball / Reserve fleets to cover the huge losses incurred while fighting against the Borg and Dominion.
These ships were only built in relatively small numbers but they were a very effective starship class. These ships were used in trouble spots and used in a rapid response fleet that Star Fleet called TacFleet. These ships served with distinction and have bloodied themselves in many battles. Due to the effectiveness of the ship, it is likely that some survived in Next Generation times and would have been very useful in the wars against the Dominion.
In its physical appearance, the States class has the same main hull dish shape combined with a secondary hull like the Starstalker class Patrol Cruiser, but the design is quite different in many ways. The secondary hull is not as well contoured as the Enterprise class and is instead is octagonal in form when looked at from the front or rear of the ship. The primary hull is built much like the hull of a Ranger Class Light Cruiser style and uses the same construction facilities. The ship design does carry one mega phaser mounted between the two impulse engines the back main hull. The support between the primary and secondary hulls is more reinforced than the support on Starstalker class cruiser. The secondary hull is more as well contoured as the Enterprise class and is instead is octagonal in form when looked at from the front or rear of the ship. The Warp Nacelle FWM-1 a little less power and shorter then Enterprise-B warp nacelles. The mounts for the ships warp nacelles are also shorter and are mounted further towards the middle of the hull.
These ships were constructed around the concept of increased torpedo weaponry. The ship carries eight photon torpedo launchers for this purpose. Torpedo launchers require much less power, meaning that the ship has them even when power systems are damaged. These ships were fitted with Mega-Phaser's but the engineers realized that the Mega-Phasers could be added strain on the power systems and would add much to the fire power of this ship. The Mega-Phasers were added to the ship during refits. The ship has a total of six conventional phaser banks and one individual phaser that are used for both added firepower and used for the ships point defense weaponry.
Due to using a Ranger Class Light Cruiser style hull primary and using a large secondary hull, the Starstalker Class style had a large amount of space frame to carry fighters and shuttles. As well, the ship carries a good compliment of marines for shipboard defense and to support landing parties. The ship was designed with full flag facilities and these ships are among the favorite ships to act as flagships for admirals.
Model Type: XIII NX-6301 / NCC- 63001
Vehicle Type: Assault Cruiser
Decks: 23
Crew: 446 (83 Officers and 357 Enlisted)
Troops: 160 Marines, 50 fighter and Shuttle pilots, and ship can carry up to 200 passengers in addition.
Statistical Data:
Length: 1052.96 feet (307.8 meters)
Height: 309.87 feet (66.3 meters)
Width: 581.72 feet (177.31 meters)
Mass: 32,1195 metric Tons
Cargo: Cargo holds are scattered about the ship that allows for carrying up to 26,500 tons of cargo in addition to standard 5000 tons compliment of supplies and ammunition.
Standard: 6 pads 6 rooms
Troops: 80 pads 2 rooms
Emergency: 22 pads 2 rooms
Cargo : 4 small / 6 large
Troop Cargo: 12 small / 4 large
Holodeck: 1000 emitters in 1 room
Vehicles: Fighter Compliment:
Wasp III class light interceptors 12
Hornet II class attack fighters 12
Yellowjacket II class fighters 12
Standard Shuttles 12
One (1) FMH-12 Mega-Phaser Cannon: Located between impulse drive primary hull and is used as anti-capital ship weapons and can take out frigates in one shot or do large amounts of damage to bases or larger ships. The Phaser cannons can be combined or used separately. The Phasers cannot be used faster than the speed of light. Weapon has standard penalties to hit fighters and small targets. The barrels can be fired either forward or behind and can be rotated 30 degrees horizontally or vertically.
Range: 110,300 miles (177,510.64 km) in space and 105.7 miles (170 km) in an atmosphere. Mega Damage: 1D10x1000 MDC each and can be combined for a damage equal to 1D20x1000. Rate of fire: Maximum of One (1) times per melee per cannon.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
Eight (8) banks of 2 FH-17 Siege Phaser Cannons: Secondary energy weapon system with three banks on the top and three banks on the bottom of the primary hull and one individual phaser on the support between the primary hull and secondary hull. The weapons damage is about equal to laser cannons used by the CAF but the Phasers have a greater rate of fire. The phasers are also slightly shorter ranged but only slightly. Both Phaser Cannons in each bank can be linked or can be fired separately. They cannot be used faster than the speed of light. Weapons system has half the normal penalties to hit fighters and small targets. Range: 17,787 miles (28,625.40 km) in space and 70.5 miles (113.45 km) in an atmosphere Mega Damage: 2D8x100 MDC each or 4D16x100 for both in a bank.
Rate of fire: Maximum of Four (4) times per melee each cannon.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
Eight (8) FP-9 Photon Torpedo Launching Systems: All launchers are mounted in the secondary hull. Four launchers fire forward and are mounted above and below the main deflector array. Four launchers fire aft and are above and below the main shuttle hanger but recessed back from the rear of the ship. While the launchers are older than those used on the U.S.S. Defiant and other next generation ships, they can use new torpedoes and quantum torpedoes if used in later Next Generation times. Newer photon torpedo warheads carry more anti-matter. Effectively very similar to Phase World cruise missile launchers but instead of having groups of multiple launchers, Starfleet has concentrated on launchers that can launch more than one torpedo at the same time. Once spread of torpedoes has been launched, the launchers must reload and rearm before launching another spread of torpedoes. In the early service of this ship, it carried photon torpedoes which are anti-matter/matter warheads but they can carry quantum torpedoes when they are available. Torpedoes has a top speed of Mach 30 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 50% of light per turn (far faster than any starship). When drive goes dead, the torpedo will still cruise unless preset to self-destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and torpedoes when dead at -25% to detect.) See Modified starship rules for more details, Torpedoes have minuses to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles. Launchers can launch on multiple targets each.
Range: Powered torpedo range is 45,000 miles (74,000 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space Mega-Damage & Properties: Photon Torpedoes (Matter/Anti-Matter Warheads): Old Series inflict 2D6x100 each, Star Trek Movies One through Six inflict 3D6x100, and Next Generation inflicts 4D6x100 each.
2370'sQuantum Torpedoes: 8D10x100 each. Rate of fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 per launcher, per melee round, for a maximum of 16 torpedoes per melee. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next.
Payload: 400 torpedoes (50 per launcher, launchers are mounted in pairs and can use the other launchers magazine if launcher is damaged).
M.D.C. By Location:
Main Deflector Array: 8.04 meters 6.6 gigawatt
Warp Nacelles: (2, secondary hull): 3e+15 power each
Impulse Engine: (2,back of primary hull) 2e+7 power each
Primary Hull Hanger Doors : 1 Door
Secondary Hull Hanger Door: 6 Doors
Primary Bridge: 1
Auxiliary Bridge: 2
Variable Force Field: 8,000 tigawatts in 30 grids (64,000 Total)
[1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge through the ship’s armor. This ship does have two auxiliary bridge. Even if both of the bridges are destroyed, the ship can still be piloted from smaller bridges engineering but ship weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridges that do not penetrate the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge.
[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the primary or secondary hull will put the Cruiser out of commission. If the secondary hull is destroyed, the primary hull will remain capable of sublight travel and weapons may still be fired. If the primary hull is destroyed, all internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck.
[3] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 10% (1,900 M.D.C.) per melee round.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible. Atmospheric Propulsion: Can travel within an atmosphere efficiently for a short time Power System: Primary power system is Anti-Matter with a 20 year life span. Ship normally only goes 5 year between refueling.
Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship to travel up to 60 percent of the speed of light. Star Ship can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.7 percent of light per melee. As an alternative, the starship can reach .99 of the speed of light but is normally restricted to slower speeds so that starship is not effected severely by time attenuation that occurs at the higher sublight speeds.
Warp Drive:
Uses a warp engine that allow ship to travel at over speed of light ,
Warp Factor 2.5 on system to system for month’s (0.0020 light years per hour)
Warp Factor 5.0 on light cruise for 30 days (0.020 light years per hour)
Warp Factor 6.5 on cruise for 12 days (0.065 light years per hour)
Warp Factor 8.9 Flank for 40 hours (0.118 Light Years per hour)
Warp Factor 9.98 Emergency for 12 hours (0.169 Light Years per Hour).
Warp speed is raised to the third power to figure out how many times the speed of light the ship travels.